Sunday, March 28, 2010

Money worries

“Hi, may I please speak to Megan?”
“This is her.”
“Hi my name is Amanda and I’m calling from PLU.”
“I see here you were a business major. Did you like it?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“That’s great!!!!!!!! Did you receive financial aid while at PLU?
“Uh, yeah. Who doesn’t?”
“That’s great!!!!!!!! Yeah, most people do. Would you like to donate $50 to Q Club?”

This is where I lost it…

ARE YOU KIDDING ME PLU?! Already hitting us 2009 grads up for money? It took everything in me to calmly explain to Amanda (who was very nice, by the way) that I will be paying $200 a month for the next 10 years to PLU. So no, I will not being giving to Q Club (What the heck is Q Club anyway? They never gave me any money…).

This isn’t the first time PLU has asked me for money since I graduated. They asked us for money right before we walked out to get our diplomas. As if that’s not bad enough, the SAME DAY that most of us had our first Stafford Loan payment due we also got a cute little email from PLU development asking for money. You’d think they’d do their research and have that email drop some other day…Maybe in like a decade. 

I’m no development expert, but if someone from the School of Business or the music department or some other program that I benefited from during my time at PLU calls me after I’m done making my loan payments in 10 years, sure, I’ll give you $50. Maybe if you leave me alone, by then I’ll feel like giving more that $50…

Yeah, it’s important to stay in touch with alumni. But how about instead of asking for money the second we leave, have a faculty or staff from our major give us a call and ask how we’re doing now and how our career is going. Be nice to me now and it’ll probably pay off later.

Post title song: “Money Worries” by Bedouin Soundclash